DOORS 5:30PM | SHOW 6:30-7:30PM
Internationally acclaimed jazz pianist and composer, Pamela Wise, has not only graced stages worldwide but has also shared her musical expertise through concerts, workshops, master classes, and residency programs across the USA and the Middle East. Widely recognized for her innovative fusion of Afro-Cuban rhythms with jazz harmonies, Pamela has earned accolades, including the Kresge Fellowship Artist Award, Creative Many Art X D Project Award, and a commissioning award from New Music USA, showcasing her prowess as both a groundbreaking artist and a cultural advocate. Her diverse catalog of dynamic compositions, recorded and produced on the legendary Tribe Record label co-founded by her husband, saxophonist/clarinetist Wendell Harrison, is distributed in multiple countries, including Japan, the UK, and Germany.
"Wise, an assured bop pianist with a Tyneresque (as in McCoy Tyner) touch, composes strong melodies and braces them with the simmering rhythms of the Afro-Cuban tradition." - Dan Ouellette-Downbeat Magazine
Pamela Wise - Piano
Damon Warmack - Bass
Louis M. Jones - Drums
Ingrid Racine - Trumpet
Sky Covington - Vocals